
08 Jul Articles

General body meeting Kannur SSA on 07-07-18

A general body meeting of  Kannur SSA held on 07.07.18. Our CP/CS/CFS DS/DP/DFS / CEC Members & various core members across SSA attended. 

CS/CP/CFS informed various measures taken by CHQ/ Circle team regarding DoPT Seniority fights, Standard payscales,  LDCE-15 postings, CPSU,  Payparity, Term insurance,  List 8,9 processing, SAB benefits , EPF full pension, Qualification weigtage, status of legal efforts etc in detail. The meeting discussion went with major cader concerns of BSNL recruits. 

The meeting honoured Our dear member Dr. Shibi on her achievement of acquiring doctorate in VLSI design.