
11 May Articles

General body meeting Kottayam SSA on 11-05-18

A general body meeting of Kottayam SSA held on 11.05.18 at Iswrya Residency, Kottayam. Our CP Sri. Gireesh, CS Sri. Saheer, CFS Sri.Ansal Mohammed, DS KTM Sri.George Jones , DP KTM Sri. Arun K G, DFS Sri. Krishnakumar & executive committee members across SSA attended.
Aigetoa team informed various measures taken by CHQ/ Circle team regarding Standard payscales, pursuance for promotions (LDCE & DPC) , efforts on GTI , SAB benefits , EPF full pension, status of legal efforts etc in detail. The meeting discussion went with major cader concerns of BSNL recruits. Requirements of DR-17 joiners also discussed.
Further the GB unanimously elected Smt. Lovely Joseph as the new District President, AIGETOA Kottayam with regard to Sri. Arun KG leaving the post on transfer.