
07 May Articles


In view of the very positive discussions held on 04.05.2017 and 05.05.2017 and the assurance from management to continue the discussions on all the HR issues on weekly basis till the issues are resolved, JF Forum of BSNL Executives Associations decided to defer the Relay Hunger Strike from Monday onwards at BSNL HQ and Circle HQs till 28.05.2017. The Work According to Rule, Non cooperation and Relay Hunger strike at SSA HQs also deferred till 28.05.2017.

The DO letter from CMD, BSNL to Secretary DoT to review the PO dated 28.03.2017 is under process in DoT. Management arranged a combined meeting of JF and BSNL management in the Hon Ministers Office next week to explain the issue. Afterwards management is arranging a meeting with Secretary, DoT also in this regard.

On other HR issues, actions will be initiated from Monday onwards and discussions will be continued from Monday. Director HR shall be reviewing the progress every week.

If the standard pay scales of E2 and E3 are not approved by DoT by 28.05.2017 and progress is not there in the HR issues as assured, our agitation programmes will be resumed and intensified w.e.f 29.05.2017 with the following programmes.

29.05.2017 onwards: Indefinite Relay Hunger Strike and Work According to Rule.

If any negative developments happening in between, these agitation programmes will stand preponed accordingly.

To keep the momentum and mobilization at all levels, the following programs will be observed in the intervening period.

08th to 28th May: Executives will perform duty by wearing demand badges.

Every Tuesday (09th, 16th & 23rd May): Executives will work without taking Lunch, in protest.

Every Thursday (11th, 18th and 25th May): Lunch Hour demonstration at CHQ/Circle/SSA level.