
28 Apr Articles

Indefinite Day Long Relay Hunger Strike at BSNL HQ and Circle HQs

In the discussions held with JF on 27.04.2017, DoT in principle agreed to review the PO issued on 28.03.2017. As decided in the meeting, BSNL will be sending the letter for review positively on Monday. Management has informed that they are arranging a joint meeting with MoS(C) office shortly. DoT/BSNL has sought some time to process the proposal again and for conclusive resolution of the pending HR issues. The discussions on HR issues will start from Monday onwards. 

However, this is only half work done. We have to go miles ahead for resolution of HR issues in totality and for that a sustained and intensive struggle is required. We have to keep the momentum as it is and continue discussion with management and DoT.

In view of the above developments, JF decided to continue with the indefinite Day long Relay Hunger strike (9.30 am to 5.30 pm) at BSNL HQ and Circle HQs from 01.05.2017.

Other trade union programs of Indefinite Work According to Rule, Non Cooperation and Relay Hunger Strike at SSA HQs are deferred for a period of two weeks from 01.05.2017. The Executives from various SSAs should participate in the Relay Hunger Strike at Circle HQs and keep the momentum on.

Activists at all levels to keep organizational preparations to launch more intensified trade union programs immediately after two weeks.