
28 Apr Articles

JF meeting with CMD and DIR(HR)

After the meeting in DoT on 27.04.2017, JF leaders met CMD and DIR(HR) and thanked them for their strong and open support in the meeting held in DoT for E2 and E3 pay scales. Both of them assured that BSNL is committed to get E2 and E3 scales implemented and both are using their good offices for the intervention of Hon MOSC and Secretary. BSNL assured to send the letter to Secretary, DoT on Monday itself with all the additional points and justification for E2 and E3 scales. It is understood that Management already written to Hon MOSC to call JF for discussion as situation is not under their control. CMD met Secretary, DoT on 26.04.2017 and briefed the situation and sought his intervention. Earlier he briefed the situation to Hon MOSC.

Comrades, DoT may take two to three weeks to review the decision if the same organizational pressure is maintained. Meanwhile other HR issues are to be discussed with BSNL. We have to keep the same tempo and organizational pressure and further in an intensified manner after two weeks. As we informed earlier, it will be a tough and prolonged agitation where we have to keep the momentum as it is for a longer period. Make preparations accordingly.