
26 Jun Articles

Surprising stand of some executives association on MT recruitment

Some associations are advocating for conduction of internal MT as early as possible citing their members are crossing the age of 50 and they claims that they are opposing External MT. following facts need to be analyzed:


ø As per CPSEs norms and company memorandum executives are part of management. BSNL has already made direct recruitment of JTO/JAO in executive cadre i.e. in management cadre. BSNL is going to make another recruitment of fresh candidate in the name of MT which is at the higher position of JTO/JAO and even SDE/AO. These associations must answer whether JTO/JAO & SDE/AO are executives (part of management) or not? If they are executives then how one management trainee can be recruited above than management having executives experience up to 20-25 years?.


ø These associations are showing their concern with the executives reaching the age of 50 and demanding early conduction of internal MT. when young engineering graduate having MTech/MBA degree are totally against these proposed MT due to obvious reason and not ready to go once again through this academic test how the executives reaching 50 and having no engineering degree will study and qualify the MT exam? It is laso learnt that top leadership of these associations are at the verge of 50 years whether they are self centric and assured of getting qualify in MT exam?.


ø If we assume some internal executives at the age of 50 have qualified this MT test then up to what level they will be promoted before their retirement? Certainly not above DGM. But, if proposed MT is not recruited then it is sure that all executives will be promoted up to DGM and some up to GM/CGM/ED and even Director like in other CPSEs of country.


ø Present MT RR is having provision of both i.e. internal as well as external recruitment. How only internal recruitment is possible without scrapping the complete MT RR?.


ø These associations are claiming that they are opposing external MT but in what manner they are opposing external MT if they are not in favor of scrapping MT RR? What steps they have taken to oppose external MT?


ø Few days before they have claimed that due to their effort CMD has constituted the committee to resolve the HR issues including CPSE cadre hierarchy before 15th Aug-2015. Now the same association is writing that till CPSE cadre hierarchy is finalized management must go with internal MT recruitment without scrapping the MT RR. Whether they want to say that MT recruitment will happen before 15th Aug-2015 or they want to say they have lied before the members about resolution of CPSE cadre hierarchy before 15th Aug-2015 or internally they are opposing the implementation of CPSE cadre hierarchy in BSNL which has provision of single level recruitment and then time bound promotion up to certain level and then post based?


ø Last but not least, which CPSE of the country makes two level of fresh recruitment in executive cadre? How one fresh candidates having M.Tech/MBA/CA/ICWA degree is better than the executives having similar degree and vast experience in BSNL itself? how this proposed MT is going to help BSNL revival by crushing the career aspiration of JTO/JAO & SDE/AO who are the backbone of the company?


It is humble appeal to all executives just apply your own mind and react in strong possible manner against proposed MT recruitment (internal or external) without prejudice of their affiliation with different associations. This is not the issue of any particular association but it is the issue of respect, dignity, and talent of every executives of BSNL. MT is not only one recruitment but it is simply to say that JTO/JAO & SDE/AO are not the part of the management and they are recruited to work as bounded laborer forever. Forum of executives association AIGETOA + AIBSNLEA have only taken initiative to oppose such non-sense in BSNL which will not only ruin the career of existing executives but also against the interest of the company but success of this fight will totally depends on timely reaction and participation from all section of executives specially when top leaders of some executives association have mingled their hands with top BSNL management. Direct recruits of BSNL are specially requested to think once again and strengthen the hand of AIGETOA so that we can fight together for critical issues like scrapping of MT RR, implementation of superannuation benefits and finalization of std. pay scale etc.